Book of Ruth Online Resources

The events of Ruth took place during the period of the judges that was more than three thousands years ago. Bethlehem in Hebrew are two words which means house of bread. Ironically Bethlehem encountered a famine and forced Elimelech (Elimeleck another spelling), his wife and his two sons to migrate in the land of Moab. The book of Ruth is a very simple story about Naomi, wife of Elimelech, after the death of her husband, her two sons took Moabite wives and stayed in Moab for another ten years. Tragically, Naomi’s two sons also died. Naomi then took a drastic decision to return to Bethlehem, initially her two daughters-in-law followed her, Naomi persuaded them to turn back to Moab. At the end, Orpah left but Ruth insisted to follow her. read more