A lot of websites provide very useful information to study bible. The first website I recommend is

NET stands for New English Translation and the NET project started in 1995 and took more than 10 years to complete the whole bible translation. The first edition was released in 2006 with sixty thousand translation notes. In 2017, second edition with updated text and translation notes was released. The numerous translation notes are the main feature of NET bible, reader may study the notes for the reasons how to come up the current English translation.

Other useful features

Original languages:

The reader will encounter the original languages of Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic when he / she clicks Greek in New Testament and Hebrew in Old Testament respectively.

Parallel bible study:

Besides the current 2nd edition of NET bible, reader is able to select a list of popular English bible translation for comparison and select Parallel to do multiple bible comparison.

Audio bible

The current chapter NET bible audio will be played, currently the audio will not synchronous text, reader needs to manually scroll the text.

Daily bible reading scheme

Click Daily and the reader may have different reading scheme to suit his / her reading target.

More online study

Click Library and the reader may choose a list of further study based on the current bible book chapter and verse display.

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